The Role Gravity Plays In Draining Your Washer During Repairs

18 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog


In the world of home appliance repair, you do not often think about scientific forces. However, they do play a part in how you go about fixing your machines. Take your washing machine as an example. In order to fix some of the problems, you have to be able to drain the machine of water that is still present inside. Here is how that works, and the important scientific role gravity plays in the job.

Find the Drainage Hose

A drainage hose for your washing machine in this case does not refer to the giant hose off of the back of the machine. What you are looking for is a smaller rubber hose at the base of the machine. It may be behind a panel that you will need to open.

Once you find it, you will need to remove the plug that will allow the trapped excess water to drain out. If your washer is in your basement, try to angle the hose toward the basement floor drain. If your washing machine is upstairs in the laundry room, then you will need to find a way to elevate the washing machine so that there is enough downward room for the drain to do its job.

If the Washer Does Not Have Enough Elevation

If your machine is upstairs and does not have enough elevation, then gravity cannot help the drainage hose to empty the washer. This is a problem because it will take forever to drain the machine. It will soak your floor completely in the process.

The needed repairs cannot be completed if enough water cannot be removed from the machine. Since gravity can help move the water downward faster and empty the machine quicker, you need to find a way to elevate the machine. Usually, a pedestal accessory for your washer is all you really need. Then the drainage hose not only has enough downward flow, but it also can drain into a mop bucket rather than all over your floor.

After the Washer Is Successfully Drained

Once the machine is successfully drained, your home appliance repair technician can begin the repairs. Very little water should come out of the machine now as he/she works. (That creates a much safer work space for the technician as he/she will not slip and fall on a very wet floor.) What little water still comes out should easily flow into the bucket from the drainage hose.